Monday, 23 June 2008

The Last of the International Playboys

I'm trying to keep the trend of song titles going for my blog entries, so let's see who can get this one. (John, if you don't recognise this title we're over.)

Anyway, the playboy in question is none other than Mr. Sparkles, who in his short life has travelled from Connecticut to Utah, from Utah to England, and then from England back to Utah. And to his credit he hasn't held a grudge. My friend Julie sent the cutest collar with the Union Jack on it and I really wanted to take a picture of Sparky wearing it. But, as you can see from the picture, when I approached him he was in such a comfortable position I couldn't bear to disturb him. After all, he only gets about 22 hours of sleep a day. So I put the collar next to him for the pictures. Look how annoyed he is in the second picture. That's because I used a flash in the first picture and almost blinded his one good eye.

This is a picture of Sparky relaxing on my bed next to a pair of my sweatpants. As you can see, his methods of lounging and relaxing are as varied and impressive as his travel history.

On a more lively note, we all chipped in and gave Steady Eddie a new barbecue for Father's Day. We have started a tradition of The Sunday Barbecue and regular dishes included grilled vegetable kebabs, grilled corn on the cob, hamburgers, etc. We have all been enjoying this immensely and and stuffing our faces like we've never barbecued before. See below for an example of stuffing faces:

I actually told everyone to take a big bite when I took the picture but this really isn't that different from how we really look when we're eating. You can't see her in this picture but Baby G is tucked away behind my mom so I took a close-up of the carnage. If you look closely you can see some corn stuck to her chest.

Also missing from these pictures are the dogs scavenging below looking for any missed scraps. Unfortunately for them we're all pigs and don't let any food slip through our fingers.

So that's the end of today's post. I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my Summer of Eating and Relaxation.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I thought we did a pretty good job controlling ourselves. Esepcially for a group of people sitting around outside eating with their hands. Also, I'm positive the dogs had a feast underneath Gracy's chair.

Unknown said...

Go it, ofcourse I did, I am suede head, Last of the FAMOUS international playboys.